Christopher Peterson’s EYECONS: Thank You Tour
July 4 - September 5
Christopher says, “thank you” as he starts his THANK YOU TOUR here at Clear Space with his hit show EYECONS this season with the best of past shows. Christopher is a master of impersonations, both visually and vocally and his comic timing is impeccable. The show is ALL LIVE, no lip-sync! Audiences will be thrilled with his parodies of Marilyn Monroe, Joan Rivers, Reba McEntire, Bette Midler, Cher, Bette Davis, Liza Minnelli, and Judy Garland to name a few. You will be amazed as Christopher transforms himself from icon to icon right in front of your eyes aided by his magic closet on stage. If you have never seen the show before but heard how FABULOUS it is, grab a ticket and see you there. If you have seen it now’s your chance to relive it all over again, maybe this time with a friend. This is a show not to be missed, one the whole family can enjoy, (well, The Addams Family).
Unlike previous years, due to COVID seating will remain as it is for mainstage productions, in a cabaret-style. Reserved tables of 2 or 4 seats are available for purchase online. Tickets at the door will be limited to availability, so get yours now!
Saturdays 10:00pm and Sundays 9:00pm